A Swedish country home


A Swedish country home


Just thought I’d share a look at this home I’ve been obsessing over lately.

If you recognise the kitchen in this exquisite country house, it’s because it was a main source of inspiration in a recent post about ideas for my new kitchen project. It all started, as it often does, with a visit to Pinterest. One minute I’m drooling over images of this kitchen and the next thing I know, I am on a Swedish real estate website gasping in awe as I get the full tour of this magnificent home in all it’s wooden floored and high ceilinged glory. Then I find myself frantically wondering how we can arrange a mortgage and buy it before it goes. What I think I will do with a home in Sweden, I have no idea but I am sure you will agree that this place is a must have.

So that’s it – I’m moving to Sweden!

In my dreams.

all images copyright Fantastic Frank

Kathryn Hawkes

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  • […] wood toe kick adds a touch of warmth to a kitchen from House of Hawkes. The typical height for a toe kick is 3.5″, but many of these look a little taller. […]

  • Monique 24/07/2015 at 10:26 AM

    Funny girl!! Buy it. I am sure your hubby could find a job in Sweden?! Or buy it and rent it out ๐Ÿ˜‰

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    Hi, I’m Kathryn

    House of Hawkes is a boutique interior design studio based in Dubai. This website is where it all began and remains a creative platform for sharing my work, my love of design and things that inspire me. Come on over & meet the team.

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