Off the radar


Off the radar


It’s been a while since I posted something here so apologies for my absence. In the early hours of 25 January I received the devastating news that my father had passed away. We left immediately for South Africa and the almost three weeks that followed have been somewhat of a blur. It’s the news you dread your whole life and all of a sudden it became my reality. The trip home was deeply emotional and mentally exhausting, but it was also a great comfort to be around family in the place that my Dad so dearly loved – the African bush.

So that is the reason I have been off the radar. And it may still take some time until I am fully back into the swing of things, but in the meantime I thought I would share some Instagram snapshots from our trip. My family have the unique privilege of living on a private game farm so our visits are always an exciting adventure for my two young kids, and on this particular visit, a welcome distraction too.

Happy weekend all!

Kathryn Hawkes

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  • Angela (Life in Velvet) 20/02/2014 at 10:01 PM

    I’m so very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. So glad you could be with your family in his favorite place. What wonderful photos to remember him by.

    • admin 20/02/2014 at 11:39 PM

      Thank you so much, Angela. Kath

  • Tam 14/02/2014 at 5:41 PM

    Think of you so often Kath!! These pics are absolutely STUNNING!!! This girls got talent!

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    Hi, I’m Kathryn

    Hi, I’m Kathryn

    House of Hawkes is a boutique interior design studio based in Dubai. This website is where it all began and remains a creative platform for sharing my work, my love of design and things that inspire me. Come on over & meet the team.

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